So about 2 years ago, we embarked on a remodeling project in our home. We had a wall that separated our kitchen from our living area. In fact, we were supposed to have an eat in kitchen. But I have a family of 7, plus my mother lives with us, so that makes 8. So our living area became a dining room, and our kitchen felt very closed off. And our living spaces were in our bedrooms, and one in the basement that is completely run by kids.
So we decided that we needed to remodel!
First we took out the wall out from between our kitchen and dining room. It opened things up so much. That project took about 2 months. Our house was a wreck for a while. Taking out the wall required us to do a different set up for cabinets and appliances. Oh, and did I mention that the floors needed to be replaced? In addition, we had to re-drywal parts of the ceiling, install new lights, and paint the walls. And we still don’t have a real living space when company comes over.
Fast forward 2 years, we still aren’t done, but it’s getting closer. And we’ve decided to transform our bedroom living space into a kids bedroom, and rip out more walls from one the kid’s room, which will open up to the kitchen/dining room. This will be our new living space. But the plan won’t start for about another year. We want to live in a completed space for a while.
What does this story have to do with kids ministry? I’m glad you asked!
In kids ministry, we often have to remodel the way we do things. Maybe God has given you a vision to completely overhaul your ministry space, procedures, policies, and style. Remember, you don’t have to do it all at once.
God knows what He’s doing. When He gives you a vision, take some time to plan how you will execute the vision God has given you. Maybe start with some little changes, like software. Decorate one new room at a time. Research a new curriculum, or build your own.
Whatever you do, don’t forget the people who are supporting the ministry you do. Make sure you communicate changes along the way. In fact, be sure to bring them along in the process by casting vision in a positive, relational way. Ask your team questions that will guide them in giving you input so they can be part of the process.
I’ll bet many of you have felt that COVID-19 has radically caused you to remodel how you do ministry. And it has been very quick. Let me encourage you to keep up the remodel. Do one step and a time, and be constantly evolving it into what God has given you the vision for. It’s OK for a remodel to take lots of time. Eventually, you’ll end up where God has called you to be.
And remember – Aim for the Mark every time, because if we aim at nothing, we’ll hit it every time!